
extract_surface フィルタを使用して, pyvista 内のほぼすべてのオブジェクトのサーフェスを抽出できます.

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

import pyvista as pv
from pyvista import CellType



lin_pts = np.array(
        [-1, -1, -1],  # point 0
        [1, -1, -1],  # point 1
        [1, 1, -1],  # point 2
        [-1, 1, -1],  # point 3
        [-1, -1, 1],  # point 4
        [1, -1, 1],  # point 5
        [1, 1, 1],  # point 6
        [-1, 1, 1],  # point 7

# these are the "midside" points of a quad cell.  See the definition of a
# vtkQuadraticHexahedron at:
# https://vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkQuadraticHexahedron.html
quad_pts = np.array(
        (lin_pts[1] + lin_pts[0]) / 2,  # between point 0 and 1
        (lin_pts[1] + lin_pts[2]) / 2,  # between point 1 and 2
        (lin_pts[2] + lin_pts[3]) / 2,  # and so on...
        (lin_pts[3] + lin_pts[0]) / 2,
        (lin_pts[4] + lin_pts[5]) / 2,
        (lin_pts[5] + lin_pts[6]) / 2,
        (lin_pts[6] + lin_pts[7]) / 2,
        (lin_pts[7] + lin_pts[4]) / 2,
        (lin_pts[0] + lin_pts[4]) / 2,
        (lin_pts[1] + lin_pts[5]) / 2,
        (lin_pts[2] + lin_pts[6]) / 2,
        (lin_pts[3] + lin_pts[7]) / 2,

# introduce a minor variation to the location of the mid-side points
# seed the random numbers for reproducibility
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=0)
quad_pts += rng.random(quad_pts.shape) * 0.3
pts = np.vstack((lin_pts, quad_pts))

# create the grid
cells = np.hstack((20, np.arange(20))).astype(np.int64, copy=False)
celltypes = np.array([CellType.QUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON])
grid = pv.UnstructuredGrid(cells, celltypes, pts)

# finally, extract the surface and plot it
surf = grid.extract_surface()
extract surface


UnstructuredGridに2次セルが含まれている場合, "中間" 節点の位置に基づいて滑らかなサーフェスを生成できます.これにより,曲率を含むセルをプロットできます.詳細については, https://prod.sandia.gov/techlib-noauth/access-control.cgi/2004/041617.pdf を参照してください.

surf_subdivided = grid.extract_surface(nonlinear_subdivision=5)
extract surface

Tags: filter

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.529 seconds)
