
fast_simplification.simplify_mesh(mesh, target_reduction=None, target_count=None, agg=7, verbose=False)#

Simplify a pyvista mesh.

  • mesh (pyvista.PolyData) – PyVista mesh.

  • target_reduction (float) – Fraction of the original mesh to remove. If set to 0.9, this function will try to reduce the data set to 10% of its original size and will remove 90% of the input triangles. Use this parameter or target_count.

  • target_count (int, optional) – Target number of triangles to reduce mesh to. This may be used in place of target_reduction, but both cannot be set.

  • agg (int, optional) – Controls how aggressively to decimate the mesh. A value of 10 will result in a fast decimation at the expense of mesh quality and shape. A value of 0 will attempt to preserve the original mesh geometry at the expense of time. Setting a low value may result in being unable to reach the target_reduction or target_count.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – Enable verbose output when simplifying the mesh.


Simplified mesh. The field data of the mesh will contain a field named fast_simplification_collapses that contains the history of collapses as a (n_collapses, 2) array of indices. collapses[i] = [i0, i1] means that during the i-th collapse, the vertex i1 was collapsed into the vertex i0.

Return type:
